Concept Art

Some artworks I made today.


Sketch & Speedpainting


Low Poly

Concept Art

Matte Painting Demoreel

A presentation of my matte painting work.
You can find a better quality video by clicking on the following link.

Music: "To Rid the Disease" Opeth

Canyon W.I.P: Part 3 - Final Render

And finally, here come the final version of this matte painting.
I made small adjustements on the painting, added some details to the 3D geometry and made the final compositing in Nuke.
I learned a lot of new techniques during all the process of creation and I hope you will enjoy it.
(Thanks to Blogspot's video treatment for killing all my color correction.)
See you...

PS: You can find a better quality video of this matting by clicking on the following link ==>

Canyon W.I.P: Part 2 - Camera mapping

First mapping test.
I test the animation of the camera in order to see which part of the geometry need more details. In this case we can see some small white areas around the background mountain and I need to add a little more edge on the cliff of the foreground mountain too.

Canyon W.I.P: Part 1 - 3D geometry

Here is the first step of the creation of the camera map system in Maya.
I use the painting made in photoshop as an image plane and I create a simple rough geometry which will receive the matte painting projection.
Let's try to keep it as simple as possible and let the matte painting work for us.


My latest work.
This is just the first step before modeling session in Maya and setting up the camera projection system.


Digital sculpting made with Zbrush 3.1 and preproduction research.
(As usual, just click to enlarge the images)

The Bridge

Speed work just for fun.

Over The Hill

My last work. Matte painting with photoshop CS3... again :D
As usual, I post the matte painting and the original photography so you can see my work better

The Harbor

Another Matte Painting.

Demon Church

My new matte-painting.
I think something uncool is happening in this church :)

Troglodyte Village (vidéo version)

Here come the vidéo version of the Troglodyte Village matte painting. I hope you'll like it;)
Tracking, rotoscoping and compositing made with After Effects Cs3.
(I used a live action footage from a free tutorial found on

Troglodyte Village

Here is a preview of the actual matte painting I'm working on.

Demoreel 2009

Low quality because of the video treatment made by blogspot software :-(

Sunset Creek

Kairouan, TUNISIA

Concept Art

Matte Painting & 3D projection

Matte Painting made with Photoshop Cs3. Fx, projections and camera movements with Fusion 5.2

Welcome in Tunisia

Lakeview matte painting

Juggling Animation

Made with 3dsmax 2009 and free rig character Max (

Zbrush for concept art

I made this two speedy concept in order to test a mix of 3D sculpting in Zbrush with digital painting in Photoshop.

Various works

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